Positioning the UNCT to Drive Transformative Change

How can we identify long-term opportunities to set an actionable vision?

UNGP Finland and UN Country Team Cambodia


A UN Country Team (UNCT) retreat was held to explore how to transform the UN in Cambodia and better deliver transformative programmes. The sessions explored new pathways to challenge current assumptions and identified opportunities to update planning and implement new approaches in the UNCT. Participants deliberated actions beyond the current agenda with a focus on vulnerable people. Youth leaders were included to provide a diverse perspective. The retreat aligned key stakeholders around a future shared vision and helped identify concrete steps to drive transformative change.


The retreat focused on Our Common Agenda (OCA) and what it means in the Cambodian context. It helped build awareness, skills and commitment to advancing the transformation agenda and identified priorities and joint activities for the UNCT´s work plan.

Key lessons

  • Including youth added a new perspective to UN system planning and opened up opportunities for collaboration and synergies between UN agencies.
  • Visioning is a powerful tool for aligning stakeholders on a common future and helps to identify the steps needed to achieve it.

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