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Discover key insights from the foresight experiments conducted during the two-year strategic foresight project.

UNGP - Foresight Initiative

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Using Intergenerational Equity to Build Solidarity Across Generations

Discover concrete tools to promote intergenerational equity in the UN system. Written by Amy Lynn Smith — Independent Writer + Strategist and Lucia Soriano Irigaray — Strategic Foresight Analyst, UN Global Pulse

Sowing the Seeds of the Future in Colombia

With the support of UN Global Pulse, UNFPA worked with youth leaders, communities, and government officials on a participatory foresight initiative with the potential to flourish.

Two years of experimenting and learning: the many facets of foresight

What are the key learnings from the UNGP foresight team, after two years of experimenting under the Strategic Foresight Project? Read more on their key takeaways on the use of foresight and how it adds value to the UN family.

Exploring FutureCast: A Podcast with Mike Masnick and Randy Lubin

Are you curious about how UN Global Pulse develops and tests its foresight tools? Join us on the Techdirt podcast for a captivating conversation!

Madagascar and UN Global Pulse: If you want to move forward, you can’t only look back

UN Global Pulse Finland in cooperation with UN Resident Coordinator Office in Madagascar, UNITAR and UNDESA

Building Actionable Insights within the UN system

Read about UNGP’s training on Foresight for Systems Change from the participants’ perspective. This training supported more than 120 UN colleagues to develop foresight capabilities and design their own projects.

Using Strategic Foresight to Shape Our Futures

Discover how UNGP supports the UN systems to become more anticipatory and forward-looking.

UNCT Cambodia: The Power of Transformative Leadership

Learn how UNGP supported Cambodia’s Country Team in embedding foresight to create a culture of transformational leadership and radical hope. Former Resident Coordinator of Cambodia, Pauline Tamesis, shares her experiences …

Three lessons that young Malagasy taught us about how to use foresight

Join us as we unveil three invaluable lessons from our project with Malagasy youth and how to transform every occasion into an opportunity to learn and improve our foresight practices.
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