1. Prepare

UNGP - Futurecast

Preparation Guide

UNGP - Futurecast

context cards

UNGP - Futurecast

Questions Sheet

2. Play

UNGP - Futurecast

Facilitation Guide

UNGP - Futurecast

Workshop Slide

UNGP - Futurecast


UNGP - Futurecast

Note-taking sheet

UNGP - Futurecast

Facilitation Guide

UNGP - Futurecast

Workshop Slides

UNGP - Futurecast


UNGP - Futurecast

Note-taking sheet

3. Learn

UNGP - Futurecast

Sensemaking Slides

UNGP - Futurecast

Results Template

Time to set up your game!
Download the complete game
assets and start playing today

Time to set up your game! Download
the complete game
assets and start
playing today

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