Futures Tools for Intergenerational Equity

Intergenerational Equity has gone by many names and been given many meanings.
It is of increasing importance to the work of the United Nations and this pilot set of futuring tools is offered to help UN workers, at all levels of hierarchy, take action to advance it. 

The tools in this collection are adaptations of well-established and recently invented futures tools. All of them can help you develop capabilities which can help advance equitable, just and fair generational relations: both for currently living generations and for people yet to exist. 

This online collection is under continual development!

We encourage and welcome feedback, ideas and insights about these tools. This feedback will be taken into account as the tools are further developed and new tools are added. 

What happens next is up to the community

This is a pilot of experimentation-driven self-organized learning. Engaging these tools can be more meaningful and beneficial when done with a small group. These tools are suitable for forming a Small Community of Practice around futures for intergenerational equity and also for solo use.

Contributing actively to intergenerational equity through our work will require developing organisation-wide capabilities. The following is a non-exhaustive list of focal areas for developing those kinds of capabilities. The collection of futures tools can help you develop capabilities in these focal areas.

of Tools

Collection of Tools

The model learning cycle requires three separate 60-90 minute futuring sessions:

1. Start with Tool 1 – Intention
2. Try any of the other tools (Tools 2 to X)
3. Wrap up with Tool R – Reflect. Then return to Step 2 to try another tool.

After a cycle, send in feedback about your experience with the tools you tried. This feedback helps further understand how useful they are, and adapt the tools over time.

Please note, you can use these tools however you wish, in whatever sequence and whatever setting you prefer.

Tool 1

Intentions for
Intergenerational Equity

This tool is designed to spark authentic dialogues and metaphorical engagement to reveal our intentions for raising intergenerational equity, helping people to identify the focal areas that they are interested in exploring.

Tool 2

Thing From The Future

Combining futures thinking with ‘forced combination’ creativity, the ‘thing from the Future’ card game sparks playful collective imagination to invent novel future items. This adaptation uses Intergenerational Relations as the ‘Terrain’ card throughout.

Tool 3

Causal layered analysis

Causal Layered Analysis (CLA) enables a deep, holistic exploration of futures. It provides a multidimensional framework for groups and individuals to rethink the ways of the world, sparking thought on litany, systems, worldviews, myths, and metaphors.

Tool 4

Stranger Futures

Modelled after popular board games, ‘Stranger Futures’ gamifies our engagement with disruption. It challenges players to disrupt their assumptions and evaluate their arguments for disruptive ideas, raising new perspectives about what could change and why.

Tool 5

Active Futures Thinking

This tool is a set of three exercises that encourages participants to journey beyond dominant paradigms, and instead actively empower their own futures thinking abilities, advancing self-awareness and inter-cultural awareness through engagement with the sources shaping different images of the future.

Tool 6

Crowdsourced Futures Window

Sparking multimedia engagement with futures, this tool encourages a ‘crowd’ (e.g. your colleagues) to submit photos, visuals, and music which they can ‘see the future’ in. These sources are curated into a displayed slideshow, becoming a ‘Crowdsourced Futures Window’ for reflection on future possibilities and present values.

Tool R


This tool should be used after trying another from this collection. Fostering reflection and learning, this tool supports collective learning through structured conversation about experiences from partaking in futures-thinking activities.

Tool X

Invent & Test a Futures Exercise

Every work area in the UN has its own specific contexts and requirements, so what better then to design your own bespoke futuring tool for intergenerational equity. This tool will help you identify parameters and proceed to a step-by-step process to invent and test your prototype.

About this pilot

Futures for Intergenerational Equity is a pilot experiment organized by UNESCO Futures Literacy & Foresight Team / Social and Human Sciences Sector and the UN Global Pulse Strategic Foresight team.

Share Your Feedback About The Tools

Please use this form to provide feedback about any of these tools you tried to help us evolve our Collection!

We want to know about your experience to keep improving our proposal. Answer a few questions!

Suggest New Tools

Have you done Tool X? Did you experience a great futures tool not (yet) in our collection?

Submit a new futures tool for inclusion in the Futures for Intergenerational Equity collection.

The work presented in this website is grounded on the

Inception report titled ‘futures for intergenerational equity: growing our capabilities to act responsibly toward future life’

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