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Discover key insights from the foresight experiments conducted during the two-year strategic foresight project.

UNGP - Foresight Initiative

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Redefining Business As Usual: Exploring the Future of MSMEs in Indonesia through Strategic Foresight

Learn how UNGP supported the Indonesian Government in becoming more anticipatory through the use of strategic foresight.

UN Cambodia’s foresight journey

How can the United Nations use foresight to be “future fit” as well as “future proof” our policies and programmes? Learn about the continuous learning and experimentation process of UNCT Cambodia supported by UNGP.

Future of Data Sharing and Reuse in Uganda

How can foresight help in aligning stakeholders on a shared vision about the future? Read how this retreat gathered around 60 stakeholders to explore the future of Data Sharing and Reuse in Uganda.

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