Horizon Scanning

How can we build anticipatory capacity in the Indonesian government?

UNGP Finland and UNGP Jakarta in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas)


A horizon scan training for policy planners in Bappenas on the future of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). This training included the development of a Horizon Scanning Manual, check-in and feedback sessions with foresight experts, and multiple workshops to validate the results with a broader group of stakeholders. The project culminated in a final report highlighting emerging trends in Indonesia’s future business landscape and contributed to Indonesia’s National Long-Term Development Plan 2025–2045. The successful outcome helped embed foresight as a tool in their policy-planning processes.


MSMEs form the backbone of the Indonesian economy and are a key driver of future economic growth. The COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical conflicts and climate change have severely impacted these businesses, underscoring the need for policymakers to become more forward-looking.

Key Lessons

  • Buy-in from senior management is essential for a successful implementation of a new foresight process.
  • Establishing a new horizon scanning team is an iterative process and requires responsive feedback loops.
  • Engaging a broader group of stakeholders in a participatory way enhances the identification and validation of drivers.

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