The Future of Small Businesses in Indonesia

How can we engage audiences through new ways of presenting?

UNGP Finland and UNGP Jakarta in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of National Development planning (Bappenas)


UNGP and the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) hosted the event “Strategic Foresight: the Futures of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises” in Jakarta. UNGP experimented with new ways of attracting the audience including “Ted Talk”-style presentations, videos, and participatory workshops. An interactive exhibition with “future artefacts” allowed participants to immerse themselves in trends that might impact Indonesia in the next decades. Over 100 stakeholders, including the Indonesian government, multilateral organizations, academia, NGOs and private institutions, participated in presence and online.


The event highlighted the importance of incorporating foresight into strategic policymaking. This often requires a new way of working for policymakers and a shift of mindset. Discussing this topic through new and dynamic ways helps convey the message that we cannot continue doing business as usual. Offering speculative experiences helps participants immerse themselves in the future and understand the potential implications it might have for different stakeholders.

Key lessons

  • People learn and process information differently. By offering various presentation formats and styles, a greater audience can be reached.

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