Explore Foresight Experiments

Here you can find a selection of the foresight experiments co-created during the two-year strategic foresight pilot.

UNGP - Foresight Initiative

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Including the Voices of Malagasy Youth for their Future

When exploring youth’s challenges, giving young people a voice is key. These foresight sessions with Malagasy youth sparked dialogues in their communities, building futures agency and ownership.

Positioning the UNCT to Drive Transformative Change

Diverse perspectives, new opportunities. Cambodia UNCT’s retreat built awareness, skills and commitment, driving transformative change.

Future of Data sharing in Uganda

Collaboration and dialogue allow people to build a shared understanding of preferred futures. This foresight retreat in Uganda shows how a common vision on data sharing and reuse was reached by working together.

Imagining a Post-COVID UN

Three future scenarios were developed to illustrate what the post-COVID world might look like and prompt a discussion on the potential implications on the UN system.

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